Love!!!! mmmmm or uffff?

Yeah yeah, even I am giggling while writing this post 😛
Looveee 🙂 is a controversial topic. I see people falling in and out of love here and there and everywhere.

What is the definition of love in your dictionary? Does it even exist in your life?
Love has different meanings for everyone and there are several categories of love. It could mean “agonising pain in your heart for your lover”, “longing to be with someone” etc., all valid in my humble opinion. Love can be, not just for your companion but also nature, parents, babies, children, career, guitar, violin etc. In my life?? oh yes, love does exist, all kinds. I love nature, roads, life, violin, my sweet “basanti” car, my parents, babies (no matter whose, I am a “woman” you see), life in general, me etc. And about the romantic kind of love, it has been there since 8th standard, occupied quite a lot of pages in my personal diary too back then (shy smiley), and then my father read my diary, which was veryyy embarrassing, your own father reading your romantic thoughts, lol. I still  laugh about that. The “Soon to be mother/father” manual given to everyone’s
parents should have this rule: “Never read your children’s personal diaries”  😀
Anyhow my point is, love exists and should exist in everyone’s life, in some or the other form, and why should it not!  it is beautiful, these feelings make us human. Why run away from them? Just embrace them, do screw ups here and there, enjoy and just add a one-line at the end “I am just a human” :P.
But the kind of love, everyone is obsessed about is the romantic kind of love, the fairy tales (yeah yeah I know you are rolling your eyes). There is a reason film producers spend billions in making movies, actors run around trees singing romantic song (I bet no one would pay me even a penny for running around my whole office building :p). People want to watch
romantic movies, see happy endings. Don’t you enjoy them? Don’t deny it?

Does the idea of falling in love give you a “mmmmm” feeling (oh yeah I like it) or an “uffff” feeling (ohh no!!, not again)? I categorise people as “mmm” or “ufff”,  based on whether they believe in love or not.
So if you are a “mmmm” type, you do enjoy romantic stories, believe in love, good for you. Taking it a notch up, your current state then could be:
1)  “I do believe in love but never fell in love”
hmmm best of luck, keep day dreaming at least that will keep your serotonin levels high. What is serotonin? Google it please 😀
2)  Had a heart break [break-up/Divorce/Separated], I am in the healing period.
If your healing period is more than 6-8 months, you need to take it easy, don’t convert love/relation to Obsessive compulsive
disorder and be over-emotional and drunk “Devdas”, run around saying “Paro! Paro!” Move on with a smile 😀
3) I am in a relationship [married/live-in] and happy, yay
Good for you, Enjoy your present . But remember everything is an illusion, you might realise after sometime that you are not happy in the relation, be ready come what may.
4) I am in a relationship and unhappy.
Lol, give it sometime, try and work upon your relation, no relation is perfect, trust me. Accept that you could be wrong too sometimes. But put an upper limit to your patience levels, once crossed, walk out.
5) I have not gone official with my relationship status.
Hmmm, make sure your partner is not cheating on you with someone else. Or are you cheating? Lol. I read
somewhere “It is better make a fool out of others rather than being fooled by others” Awww, sooo mean!!
6) I am trying to hit on someone and waiting.
Don’t wait for too long until unless she/he is “THE” love of your life 🙂
7) I do believe in it but I am too old for it now.
Oh common, you are never too old to read romantic novels at least 😛
8) I like someone, but I have not done anything about it.
Atleast tell that person and move on if you don’t get any positive response, there are billions of people on this mother earth,
you will find someone.
9) I do believe in love, just not the romantic love
Given you the points, you can love animals, your parents, nature etc. But the romantic kinda love makes you realise
a lot about you and the feelings are a little different. Try it if you can, it is a good experience.

If you are an “uff” kind of person, there could be 2 reasons for it:
1) Someone broke your heart and you now think it is a waste of time.
Don’t be so negative and scared of getting hurt. In Fact such attitude is an excuse for not growing up and not accepting the fact that it is normal to get hurt sometimes. People should know how to handle rejections, heart break in a matured manner.
2) You have more important things things. For example: You are very busy becoming successful and rich.
Everyone has priorities which is understandable but your sports car, your lavish office, decorated position will not cuddle you in a raining night. I have seen even the toughest of people getting lonely at times, please don’t torture yourself, be true to yourself.
3) You are being a coward, you do believe in love but just can’t do anything about it, probably because you are under-confident or have other psychological issues
Work upon your looks, be reasonable, not desperate, there is nothing wrong in wanting to be loved.
Psychological issues can be like staying away from all this because you have already broken quite a lot of hearts and you feel sad for them. Yes, I am talking about myself here 😀
4) You see people getting hurt so you want to stay away from  it:
I know you should learn from others experience, but how about testing it for yourself? Some things, you should experience for yourself and this one, for sure.

[Lol, right now I think I am preaching like a love guru, cliched, but I sincerely hope all is useful for all the poor souls out there who are lost]

So, after the two categories of people “ufff and “mmmm” discussed above, there is a third class as well, they don’t know what is love and they don’t even want to know, they just want to get married and spend life with their partner. Honestly, I respect such people as well, quite pragmatic. I wish I could be like you folks, be a good daughter/son, right now I am a mystery which even my parents cannot solve 😉

Falling in love is and can be very dangerous and fatal. If you are not matured enough to handle these affairs you could end up ruining your life. Soo watch out…
And never forget one thing, at the end of the day we have come alone in this world and we will depart this world alone. So never sweat it out for such things, it is all a game, a drama.



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