Brainy is the new sexy

People who follow Sherlock Holmes must have surely heard this phrase “Brainy is the new sexy”. I have been meaning to write something up on this for quite sometime and today being a nice, sunny Sunday, I finally decided to take this up. brainyisthenewsexy-392x494

So is brainy the new sexy in today’s world?

Some people would say no, sexy is still sexy in today’s world. I agree though, the hot models of Victoria Secrets, the beautiful actresses and handsome well sculpted actors walking down the Oscar’s red carpet, who make millions of hearts flutter with their sexy figure, surely look sexy, enough attention and credit is indeed given to them for working so much on maintaining themselves.  I too enjoy, how shall we say, looking at greener pastures 🙂 but a lot of the physically sexy people do not get to or don’t use their grey matter a lot, I am not criticizing them there are all sorts of people in this world I too have friends who just talk about dresses, lipsticks, salon visits or muscle building, I respect them but that’s not the motive of this blog, I want to address what is sexy actually?

Coming  back to the topic, some people would say yes, brainy is the new sexy. I would personally say yes brainy is the new sexy but that’s because I am capable of looking past the looks of a person but there are a lot of people out there who don’t and their reasoning is also logical. One of the funniest analogies I once heard from a dear friend was, if you are served 2 similar dishes, one of which smells awesome, is greatly presented and the other, even though equally tasty is not presented properly, which one would you choose to eat. I will be honest I will choose the better presented dish but hold on there could be a way in between as well.

What we need to remember and understand is world is still controlled by intelligent, brainy people some of whom also choose to maintain their physical assets and manage to look good at the same time. By the phrase, “world is still controlled”, I mean the political and business leaders across various countries and organizations. PS: I do respect folks from all walks of like, everyone contributes to making our human civilization work properly but again that is not the motive of this blog.

When I was 15 years old and people used to ask me what would you like to become when you grow up and I had the following options in mind that time: 1) Air hostess (they look sexy with their mini skirts and stockings PS: I am straight)

2) Doctor (quite noble if they do decide to be)   3) Psychologist (fun getting into people’s heads)

4) Someone in corporate sector, management or IT side (fancy offices, lifestyle)

Of course when you are 15 who don’t have much knowledge and your thinking is quite superficial. Thankfully, I entered corporate sector where I work like crazy, scratch my grey matter a lot, wear mini skirts with stockings 😉 try to get into prospect’s and other people’s heads, sit in fancy offices and have a good lifestyle and hopefully I will get to make key decisions at business level, does that not give you kicks? To me it does.

I meet so many intelligent people who would give you jitters and thoughts like “Darn, I feel dumb” but some or most of them would not be so good looking or well maintained, would be very nerdy. I would like to urge all the brainy, nerdy fellows out there not to forget to take care of themselves, be well presentable, a little more glamorous, a little more eloquent. Taking this case to children as well, you will often find nerdy intelligent kids lacking self-confidence whereas non-performing, superficial kids trying to bully their way in school. I want to pass on the word to the nerdy kids as well, step up your act, stand up for yourself and have more confidence in yourself.

That’s all I have to say with no offense meant to anyone.


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