Gender wars: Feminists versus MGTOWs

Gender wars: Feminists versus MGTOWs


Gender disparities are commonplace, sometimes glaringly, sometimes obscurely but things are improving now. Let me discuss about my family first…

Our mother cooks food at home but unfortunately her joints became swollen up once due to viral fever, she could not walk around, do work with her hands and was very weak. So my father and I decided to jump in and help her out in all household chores. Although my father made horrible food but I will give him 10/10 for the effort and enthusiasm. My sweet, younger brother is getting there. I was giving him a lecture the other day that he needs to learn how to cook food, make chapattis etc. rather than expecting a woman to do that for him. Being his elder sister, if I can do all the work which men typically do then he too needs to learn to do everything, even his laundry.

In my opinion, all gender wars start from household work first and then they get complicated and spread across other aspects of life with time..

Traditionally, women used to take care of the house and men used to go out and earn money.  With time, the division of labor is fading away but most of the people are still so confused and hypocritical, especially in the developing countries. For example, my father typically comments that every woman should know how to cook good food, at the end of the day. I criticize my father on his face (with due respect and love, ofcourse) for making such statements. Even though, I do know how to do cook good food (some may argue though :)), I did not learn it because I am a woman rather because everyone should learn how to cook well. I think some of the best cooks I have come across are my guy-friends. We should not stereo-type work based on genders.


Coming to the main point, across the span of centuries and decades, various gender-based movements have shown their face and impacted social opinions. The most famous of all, feminism, which started off with a reasonable premise, has now become so adulterated and anti-men that it has a negative image attached to it. Various, different definitions exist for feminism that it has lost its identity, in my perspective. More and more women are distancing themselves from this movement. I too, do support gender equality but I do not consider myself to be a feminist.

Femi-Nazi’s accuse men of attempting to domesticate them, ‘using’ them for sexual interests, suppressing them at workplace etc. I agree and sympathize with all of them, such things do happen and they happen a lot but that does not mean, you hate ALL men. There still are good men left in this world. Don’t be so harsh and edgy. Additionally, I do not understand and agree with the victim card that women play a lot of times, most of these women are smart and educated, not from villages, where a lot of times, women don’t even know their rights. Do not blame all men for your bad decisions. Furthermore, I come across a lot of so-called feminists who are hypocrites, they do say that they want equal rights for men and women but they want their guys to pay their bills on dates.

There is another movement which has been making wakes: MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way. I decided to pretend as a man to join their website ( and read about what  is going on. My first reaction was…OMG, sooo much of hatred towards women. MGTOWs, originally, are not misogynists but similar to feminist movement, the definition of their movement has become being adulterated. MGTOWs are men who simply decided to remain single/unmarried and are disinterested in women. Disinterest is perfectly fine but there is difference between disinterest and hatred..

I do agree that there a lot of smart and cunning women out there who mistreat and use men, leaving them high and dry. The kind of women I come across and I get to observe,  they could leave you physically, emotionally and financially broke but men have to be careful in judging women. But there still are good women out there, it is not so bad.

Summarizing, we all have to live and work, on this same planet, why can’t we just co-exist peacefully and live in harmony. Why so much of anger and hatred?


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