About me

Daughter of a retired Army officer and an erstwhile state level hockey, handball lady player. Was a big time nerd during school time but I became more social as I grew up but a part of me is still a nerd.

I am a Sagittarian, was born on 18th December. Ping me if you want to know the year of birth ;)…. and I am southpaw.

Everyone has a lot of good qualities in them, if I ever meet you (dear reader) then I can list down multiple good qualities about you in an hour’s time 😉  My good qualities would be…

I am enthusiastic, optimistic, independent, talkative, quick at making friends, affectionate, compassionate, good listener, level-headed etc. And I have some not so good qualities also, such as..

I am impatient sometimes, grumpy sometimes 🙂 What do I like to do in my free-time? Setting up personal projects and working on them, such as: creating my website and blogging has been one.

I have a long list of projects always lined up, they keep me excited, projects can be anything ranging from physical work-out plans to learning violin, from social work to learning Waltz and Bharatanatyam dance forms. I am a woman of varied interests.