Alleppey – Backwaters

Alleppey – Backwaters

The journey, on the way to Alleppey was mesmerizing; forests of coconut trees, the rains, rickety bus, fresh air. We stayed in a beautiful house boat, the staff was very polite and helpful. The backwaters are so serene that you will be left speechless. There is a fish market in the back waters, we bought fish from there itself, the cook prepared it for us. Fish never tasted better. We tasted ‘Toddy’ as well and managed to polish off bottles of it. Toddy is a natural alcohol extracted from coconut/palm trees. The more you let it breathe, the more intoxicating it becomes.

In all, it was a great experience, everyone should visit the backwaters atleast once. India has so much of beauty that if you spend time exploring internally you won’t get time to explore outside India.

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