I trust you!


“I trust you” these words can sometimes give you shivers. I heard them yesterday from a stranger and I got shivers. Did I get scared? Nope! I keep hearing these words professionally and I am quite confident and comfortable with them because I know I like to keep my word and I am trustworthy but why did I got shivers yesterday? That’s a mystery.

Trust is very important in almost everything you are involved, you trust your food to give you nutrition, you trust your job to give you enough dough to survive and pay your bills, you trust your friends to be there for you. One thing which we should remember is maintaining a balance and not becoming too fanatic about the things/people in which/whom we put trust, there has to be a healthy distrust for a healthy trust to prevail and this works wonders for maintaining your own sanity and helps you face any situation head-on.

I am not a cynic, infact I am a big optimist without being delusional, got it in my genes.


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