So how do you grieve a loss in your life?

Life is never a bed of roses, as much as we dislike that part, it shall unfortunately never be. We win sometimes and sometimes we lose, that is the beauty of human life. Losses can be anything, business deals, clients, parents, pets, lover, best friends etc. and the impact of loss of any of these things is determined by your life choices, your priorities. How do you deal with losses is also determined by you and your attitude.

We humans are so scared of grieving a loss that we would do anything else but sit and sail through the grieving period. People would get drunk, smoke weed, become numb, try to commit suicide when all they need to do sometimes is sit in a closed room and shed some tears. There is nothing wrong in it, we are all humans. It’s best to be strong, face it and move on, it is not the end of the world.

Trying to patch up a loss quickly is similar to forcing a physical wound to heal quickly which results into bad scars, if you give proper time for physical wounds to heal up you will be less scarred. Time heals everything, remember that. I keep telling this to people on support helplines, blaber groups and confession groups. Stop running away from pain, where there is happiness there will always be pain as well, universe has it’s ways to maintain balance, feel it, you are a human, not a robot!!

I feel sad for numerous people out there who are not even aware that they can reach out to someone for help and end up committing suicide.


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