Travelling bug

I have been travelling for quite sometime now. A lot of people would love to change places with me anytime. Let me list out exactly how one feels when travelling:

1. You are always running to catch the cab/train/plane on time. You start doubting cab drivers just like sleazy boyfriends, they might ditch you anytime.
2. While you are on the way, you will keep checking if your passport is in place, you are carrying your phone, did you pack your toothbrush?
3. If you are on a connecting flight, you will be anxious about your luggage, will it be checked it in your next flight or not.
4. During the journey, you will be looking around if there is someone interesting to talk to. Sometimes you will get lucky and
will end up pouring your heart out to a complete stranger (after a few pegs of JD of course).
5. The junk food served in the planes will surely tempt you to break your health regime and you will hate that.
6. You will have to give a blind eye to the guys eyeing you, you will just say “yeah yeah” in your mind.
7. While sleeping you will be scared of mistaking your fellow passenger as your boyfriend and snuggling up to him.
8. Next you will be at the conveyor belt, your face will light up like Diwali lighting once you see your luggage.
9. Exiting airport and getting hotel transport should go smoothly unless you are in ** where the exit Q goes all around the airport and the trolleys are not provided for free.
10. Once you reach the hotel, the first challenge is to understand the lighting/AC/heater/shower mechanism, each hotel has different mechanisms. I really wish all hotels had consistent mechanisms.
11. Next you will check out the menu items, will try to figure out what does that dish mean? 80% of the time you won’t get what you wanted to eat.
12. Anyhow you shall try to sleep even though you are jet-lagged, you will miss being spooned by your boyfriend.
13. Now is the best part, you will try to accomplish what you travelled for, business meetings, surely empowering. You are not on a vacation, you will have to weigh each word which you utter but it is fun, challenge is fun, right? You might have to smile away on inappropriate comments made by the other party but you have to stay strong, smart.
14. When you are done, you will be back to hotel lounge, you might getting hit upon by a fella who is staying in the same hotel (folks don’t leave a chance at such times), if you look tired people will try to buck you up and offer foot/neck massage (yes this happened with me).
15. You might get a few hours for leisure activities, will try to look for familiar TV channels or probably just leave the TV one so that the quiet hotel room does not feel creepy.

I can keep going on and on but basically, travelling does give you a lot of exposure but you are not on a holiday, ground reality in life is different.


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