White Rhino or Shiraz?

White Rhino or Shiraz?

A couple of weeks back, I was out with a dear girlfriend, we were shopping around and having a gala time. We came across a liquor shop and we decided to make a pit-stop to stock up some liquor at home.

We were confused about what to buy, White Rhino beer or Shiraz Merlot? We decided to pick up multiple bottles of both 😀 We were loaded and happy about it, to some people’s amusement.

However, the interesting incident was when we got to do the payment, my sweet friend chose to pay by cash, not swipe the card and the reason behind it was far more interesting. So, apparently people check credit card history while doing background verification for marital purposes, in Indian society and if they find credit card swipes at liquor shops, it means you are NOT a decent person. I felt pity for my friend. 

I love Indian folks, such warm and hospitable people but they never fail to amuse me, thanks to the underlying psysche and the resultant actions… if anyone of you, would like to mentally picture my facial response at that instant, it was….eyebrows raised and jaws dropped. Speechless!!! 

I do understand the need for such verifications and the fact that people (atleast Indians) lie about their lifestyle and beliefs during arranged marriage setup but why not be upfront? We need to start somewhere!!!

Why is there taboo attached to liquor consumption, especially if it’s a woman consuming liquor? As long as people drink responsibly and stay healthy, liquor consumption is perfectly alright and there are people who drink responsibly.

Everyone should be able to follow their lifestyle freely without any such lame fear of being caught doing card swipes at liquor shop.

Atleast the educated people should lead by example and not be hypocrites. Be courageous and upfront. 

Be the change you want to introduce. Drink responsibly and enjoy life.





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